The Top Gun Championship for 2020 has commenced. Please see below for the current leader board. So far we have had 148 players register to play over the first 14 rounds available to qualify in with 524 qualifying rounds – there is still another 46 to go. Last year we had 157 players in total after the 61 rounds available with 1,778 qualifying rounds played. So this year is looking bigger than ever. If you have not yet registered do so soon to give yourself the best chance to qualify – it is only $10 to enter and $2 per qualifying round.
So far there has been only 37 players play the required minimum 5 qualifying rounds hence the packed leader board. Last years highest qualifying score was 137 on a count back. It is interesting to note there is another 22 players at 143 or better that have yet to submit 5 cards – 7 are sub 140’s.