Saturday Tee Time Bookings

Following members feedback on the tee bookings for Saturday competitions and the number of late cancellations that occur on or very close to each Saturday we have decided to change the timing of the opening of the time sheet.

At present the Saturday time sheet opens 15 days in advance. We appreciate and accept everyone is now busier and demands on their free time are great and they may not know what their movements are 15 days out. Therefore, in a bid to reduce the number of late withdrawals and give everyone an equal chance of obtaining a tee spot of their choice with players of their choice, effective Friday 18 June 21 the time sheet for Saturdays will be open 8 days in advance.

What does this mean in real terms – on Friday 18 June 21 the time sheet available will be for Saturday 26 June 21. On Friday 25 June 21 the time sheet available will be for Saturday 3 July 21 and so on.

This means there will be no time sheet opening on Friday 11 June 21 and therefore no tee time draw at the club on this day which is the Friday of the June long weekend. This Friday 4 June 21 the time sheet for Saturday 19 June 21 will open.

What we expect is a level of appreciation and consideration of your fellow members. If you cannot play on a particular day PLEASE do not book a spot for you or your friends. If for some reason you need to cancel your tee spot you are required to do this no later than 24 hours beforehand.

We will be monitoring cancellations and cancellation times moving forward to ensure all members have a fair and reasonable chance of a tee time. Other competition days will continue to open 10 days in advance.

The Golf Committee.