An update from your Golf Committee

We would like to take the opportunity to thank everybody for your cooperation during this difficult period. We have had to make some tough decisions with regards to the number of tee bookings members can have at any one time, protocols around tee time cancellations and managing the wait list. These have been necessary to ensure we can be as fair to as many members as possible. Your support of these is appreciated.
We continue to ask members who can play on days other the weekend, particularly Saturday, to do so to free up weekends for those members who have to work on the weekdays. The Monday night booking process is quite chaotic and thank you for your patience and understanding. We also ask you treat the wait list in the spirit it is designed for.
Given the uncertainty with regards to the presentation, vouchers for all the 2019 major events that would ordinarily be presented at the presentation are now available for collection at the pro shop.
The course is in great condition thanks to Glen and his team and with winter almost upon us please do what you can to help it stay that way. Fill in ALL divots including tee boxes and the rough. Repair all pitch marks on the greens. Not only yours but any others you may see.
Speaking of winter, we are not that far away from the shortest day of the year and we ask you to pay particular attention to your pace of play. Mark your cards while your playing partner is having their shot, play ready golf and leave your clubs at the EXIT part of the green.
Thank you to Jonathan, Anthony and Ray at the pro shop for continuing to do everything they can to make things work.
I hope you are taking advantage of the Friday competition and judging by the numbers this has become quite popular.
Also an important note from the RMS, please note this weekend from this Friday 8 May 20 at 8.00 pm until Monday 11 May 20 at 5.00 am Glenmore Parkway will be closed along with the Club’s new entry on Glenmore Parkway. The old entry on Northern Road will be open during this time. Members coming from the North will need to go down to and turn right at Bradley Road and do a U-Turn at the Glengarry Drive roundabout, and come back out to Northern Road and down to the Club’s old entrance.
Happy golfing!