2024 Top Gun
As this years competition approaches an end, please note the following:
- The last round of qualifying is Saturday 16 March 24,
- The calcutta is held in the club on Saturday evening 23 March 24 and is compulsory for all qualifiers and first reserve,
- The final is played on Sunday 24 March 24. There is a compulsory players and caddies briefing in the club at 9.00 am.
Remember to qualify you must better someone who has already qualified as the CB goes to the earlier qualifier.
Get your family and friends and syndicate together for a chance to own one of the players in the final to be played Sunday 24 March 24.
Tickets to the calcutta raffle will be on sale from 6.00 pm on the afternoon of the calcutta Saturday 23 March 24. Cost will be $2 per strip of 6 numbers – buy $10 worth and get a bonus 5 strips.
The Calcutta is a great night to bring family and friends along to. If you require a table, please book directly with the bistro in the sports lounge and make sure you tell them it is for the Top Gun Calcutta in the Sports Lounge).
Please ensure you get your cards stamped before each qualifying round.