Rule Update
Please see HERE for current local rules.
In summary major changes are:
- Course is now Play as it Lies,
- New mounds between 1 and 10 have now been marked with stakes and/or rope to identify abnormal course condition – relief as per rule 16, nearest point of full relief, no nearer the hole and not necessarily on the fairway you are playing,
- New works on right hand side of 10th green in the General Area outside of the penalty area as marked are an abnormal course condition and free relief as per rule 16, nearest point of full relief, no nearer the hole,
- On 16th, the area in the General Area outside of the penalty area marked by white paint and/or white pegs and/or ropes are an abnormal course condition and free relief as per rule 16, nearest point of full relief, no nearer the hole,
- Cut/fallen trees, tree stumps and trees less than 2 club lengths in height in the General Area outside of a penalty area and interfering with your swing to be treated as GUR. Nearest point of full relief, no nearer the hole.
Happy golfing, from The Golf Committee.