Hi Members & Club Patrons,
We would like to welcome Penrith Golf Club to the Seven Hills RSL Group family. On the 1st November 2018 you became part of our group and there will be exciting times and challenges ahead for Penrith Golf Club as we strive to make it the premier hospitality destination of Penrith.
As in any amalgamation the old Board of Directors is replaced by an Advisory Committee who works closely with the Board & Management to ensure that Penrith Golf Club fulfills its obligations to its members & patrons. Your committee is made up of Daniel Steltenpool (Club Captain), Geoff Wilson, Ian Gallagher, Mark Sajowitz & Bob Procter.
Below we would like to highlight some of the changes that have taken place and some of the exciting things that will happen in the future.
The club has welcomed a new caterer in Brasserie Nineteen and by all reports Jeremy and has team are doing a great job looking after the customers by providing good quality food. Some changes were made to the kitchen, the front of house and kids’ area.
New furniture has been installed in the dinning area with more furniture for the rest of he club arriving in the new year. New gaming machines, bases and chairs have been installed, along with a new loyalty system for members.
Due to our Superintendent Ian leaving, we have been lucky enough to have a great Clubman, our 2IC Glenn Bishop, to replace him. Glenn has been with the Club for 6 years and we know he will strive to make the Golf Course the best in the area again.
An issue with asbestos was brought to the Club’s attention which required us to treat the mounds of dirt along the Northern Rd and as many of you would have noticed as you drive in all the piles of trees etc. have been mulched and spread. To achieve this work and get it signed off by a Hygienist, it came at a cost of approx. $120K which was an expensive exercise and one totally unexpected. So, based on the above changes that have been made the Seven Hills RSL Group has already invested $450K into Penrith Golf Club.
Many of you would like to know what the future holds, and these are some of the things that we will be addressing moving forward.
Over the coming months Glenn will be working on a schedule to replace all the old course equipment with new equipment and by doing this we will be able to keep the course in great condition.
A new entrance and exit road to the Golf Club is being built by Lend Lease and work will commence on the 1st February 2019. This is being done as part of the Northern Rd upgrades.
As you are aware the Club has sold 5 acres of land to a developer for Seniors Living and we are currently working with the developer on the impacts this will have on the course layout etc. We are hoping to finalise this within the next 6 months, but this will depend on what conditions the Council imposes on the development moving forward.
In 2019 the Board will engage an Architect to look at the best design for the clubhouse moving forward to provide our customers with the best facilities possible for our members & patrons.
- NEW GOLF RULES – Effective as per January 1, 2019. Visit golf.org.au/newrules for full details.
- VOLKSWAGON SCRAMBLE – Saturday 20 January. 4 Person Ambrose (min of 2 members per group) – Click for more info.
- ANNUAL GOLF PRESENTATION – 6.30pm Saturday 9th February. $40/person. Click for more info.
If you have any questions, please ask your friendly staff or your Advisory Committee. Please continue to enjoy the current facilities the Club has to offer and keep watching for all the exciting changes that are coming.